>Excellent stuff Peter! This ties in very well with what it sez in "Notes
>from Nochet" about the eunuchs of Esrolia (from Tales #9):
I was basing my theories on those very notes but added a twist based on a saying of Chuck Colson "If you've got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will soon follow".
>>As no eunuch may serve at court without a
>>sealed jar containing his missing organs, it is imperative that he
>>get them, and so must pay the price.
This discussion makes me think of worrying similarities with the Thanatar cult. I do hope the Esrolians don't use garrotes in a similar way. Do Esrolian Queens have some sort of 'Give Head' ritual? I guess Trickster might get involved in some way using a version of the 'Remove Limb' spell.
Keith N
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