
From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_bigfoot.com>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 11:57:33 +1300

Andrew Larsen:

Me>>Uleria has the infinity rune because she is the source of the
>>fertility rune.

> I don't follow your logic here. Why would owning the Fertility
>rune give Uleria the Infinity rune instead of a second Fertility rune?

I didn't say she owned it, I said she was its _source_ like Umath was the source of the Storm Rune and Aether the source of the Fire Rune.

> I can buy the idea about Harmony, especially since love is often
>disruptive, but then why would she have the Community rune spell? It seems
>to be a manifestation of either a Harmony or Issaries/Communication rune?

Look at the courtesan skill. It's described as a communication skill hence the "community" spell is actually used for _orgies_.


>Except that [Uleria] is noted as the holder of the fertility rune both
>currently & originally.

The Rune also means Life and Uleria's case specifically refers to Love.

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