I really wanted more of an embittered point of view to come through in the myth. Basically, after the Night of Horror the remaining Pentans are completely shattered. I think they [specifically the tribes converted to Storm worship) should feel betrayed by their previous gods. I also liked the brief Pentan Cosmology in Tales 3, and like the idea of time, for the Pentans, effectively starting after the Night of Horror, (with Sheng as the first mortal); almost equivalent of an I Fought We Won type conflict, or at least a Greater Darkness. Following this disaster, assorted shamans would be out there seeking the renewal of the universe somehow; and perhaps one of them somehow follows the Lightbringers Quest, and either meets, becomes, releases or whatever, the West King Wind. This would be where I would come from as a West King Wind origin story.
Since Time Began
In the First and Second Ages few tribes were wise enough to follow West King Wind and his worship was not tolerated in those tribes that followed Yu-Kargzant. The Tribes following West King Wind had to fight or hide from their Pentan cousins leading a marginal existence in the worst of the Pentan lands or being forced to exist on the borders with the Kralorelans in the East, the Pelorians in the West or the Praxians in the South.>>
I wouldn't have had any West King Wind worshippers at all until after the Nights of Horror.
The primary runes of West King Wind are Air/Storm, Motion, and Mastery.
Keith N
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