
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 20:54:30 -0500 (EST)

It looks like folks have been Vinging around again. Time for the a statement from the Democratic Opposition (given that the Establishment line has been stated).

> I must admit, the original reason I gave Vingans the "blessing of
> infertility" (gasps of outrage from traditional Ernaldans) was for game

My Vingans don't have a "blessing of infertility". Indeed, there is a specific myth that explains just how it was that Barntar restored Vinga's fertility. (Think "plowing"--I'll put up one of the less blue versions some time.) What they do have is a good enough relationship with Ernalda for Asrelians to give them the appropriate herbal knowledge to put matters off until more convenient, one might say. Vingans can marry, bear children, and still be Vingans, but there are all kinds of unusual restrictions regarding this--specifically that the husband needs to be a devotee of Barntar, Heler, or Elmal.

> Oh, and my Vinga hasn't given up fertility for good. Just "until there is
> peace". In Orlanthi society? Right.

And mine has given it up "until she wishes otherwise".

> Ernaldans say that it just proves that Vinga's immature: she can cope
> with the responsibilities of an adult man, but not those of an adult
> woman. She'll grow out of it.

Maybe up in Sartar they do, but that sort of cattyness is beneath the Ernalda known to the Garhounders I run. Then again, my Vinga is also the one who has been known to do a back-of-the-head slap and "Yo! Dimwit!" clue bestowal upon Orlanth when he's irked Ernalda *yet again*.

> tenuous ground when it comes to quotes. But most of the myths of
> Vingan's exploits, written by me or others, occur in the period when
> Orlanth had already left on the LBQ, or was absent for other reasons.
> In almost every case, she takes the part in them that Orlanth would
> have done, had he been present, though often her methods rely more
> on sneakiness than strength. So yes, mythically she's often an Orlanth-

This is also true of my Vinga. Indeed, it seems to be one of the few uncontested universals in all known versions.

> I believe there are myths where Vinga proves herself to be Orlanth's
> daughter, though I've never written one myself. My Vinga is definitely

Why would Orlanth's sister need to prove herself to be his daughter?

> Well in fact, of course, as we've been saying, "Vinga" was a mortal
> hero who managed to incarnate some limited aspects of a now-
> (almost)-forgotten earth goddess. And neither the hero or the original

And there's that bit, too.

> How did we arrive at "OA=OR"? Orlanth Rex requires the initiate to be a
> thane of the clan or tribe. In other words, a ring member, many of which
> are chosen for their membership in cults other than Orlanth (e.g.
> Lightbringers, Humakt, Ernalda, Asrelia).

That depends upon the specific version of Orlanthi society one has. Remember that KoS mentioned that some Orlanthi have the Ring and others use a different organizatin.

> One form of Vinga worship is the Orlanthi woman taking up weapons
> to avenge or defend her family. Orlanthi woman pretty much equals
> Ernalda initiate, whatever additional allegiances she may have. So,
> if an Ernaldan leader sees the need to lead her army from the front,
> she had better aquire the necessary magics and training. Vinga offers
> this way with the least social, and more important, magical trouble.
> After all, an Ernaldan leader has become such by representing Ernalda.
> Any new magics which impede her performance at her strengths won't do.

Likewise, Vinga holds no grudge against those of her followers who revert to exclusive Ernalda worship.

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