KoDP & Vinga

From: Danny Mr <ad236_at_dial.pipex.com>
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 19:20:10 -0000

>>> PS Have got "King of Dragon Pass" (must be one of a very few copies
>>> in the UK!)
>>Orcs Nest, in London, were selling it, with the Pavis/Big
>>Rubble reprint, this Saturday.
>I got mine from Wayland's Forge.

If you're further north, you can get both from Patriot Comics in Sheffield. Try

As for all the Vingan stuff, it reminds me of a saying from a truly great Stormbull PC shortly (in fact very shortly) before he was chopped into very small pieces. His saying was something along the line of.. 'Vingans, we'll they're all just a bunch of hairy, fat, ugly wimmin.' Didn't go down to well in the Hero Wars playtest adventure we were running!

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