Re: King of Mutton Pass

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 20:11:40 +0000

Phil Hibbs:

> Help, I keep running out of sheep! Is there any way of acquiring
> more sheep, other than raiding, or editing the game save file? :)

Mate, you're running out of sheep 'cos you don't know which gods are important...

Temples eat up sheep in great numbers, and I've found no way to gain sheep either. However, I found a way how to have the temples when I needed them most (i.e. during the proof time for the king): build them as late as possible, in case of doubt sacrifice for the blessings rather than build a temple.

(Do temples generate magic for annual sacrifice?)


Barntar (for Vigor) helps the herders as well (and is cheap at five sheep a year).

Ernalda (eats pigs, which you have in abundant numbers)

Most military magic is nice, but can be replaced by numbers (of weaponthanes...) and consequent choice of tactics. (I.e. if you usually charge, don't bother too much on Thunderstone)

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