> Of the four Issaries Works in Progress which would be the most useful for
> someone whose campaign is set in Sartar/Prax/The Holy Country and sometimes
> Balazar in the mid-1620s. Alternatively could someone summarize what each
> of these is about?
> The Entekosiad
Ancient Peloria
> The Glorious Reascent of Yelm
Ancient Dara Happa
> The Fortunate Succession
Historical Dara Happa
> Missing Lands
Places outside Genertela
> Or would it be better to invest in the fanzines (I only have the Book of
> Drastic Resolution - Darkness and Prax)?
I'm biased, but I think Enclosure (either issue) would be far more useful than the works in progress, if you're running a Dragon Pass centered campaign. Fortunate Succession has the most relevance, of the WIPs. (I'm not a financial advisor, but I suspect none of these would make a good investment. Consult the Motley Eurmali if you're trying to increase your wealth.)
See <http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha/products.html> for more info.
David Dunham <mailto:dunham_at_pensee.com> Glorantha/RQ page: <http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein
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