
From: styopa_at_iname.com
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 22:16:54 -0600

David writes:
>2. There does not seem to be a real "enemy" in the region like the Lunars
>for Prax/Dragon Pass or the Kingdom of War for the Janube river cities.
>Does Ralios have anyone that fits that niche?

Just tossing this out, but it may be that the Ralios region doesn't have the external enemy like the examples you site, exactly. Religiously, the Stygian practices in Ralios *are* the enemy as far as Rokari and (to a lesser degree, I think) Loskalmi are concerned. Think kind of Counter Reformation.

As far as political conflict, I've always thought of the Ralian cities like the Italian city states - too busy screwing each other to ever look up and see what's happening around them.

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