> 1) Has anyone ever published a write-up of the cult of Queen
>Dezola? I'm particularly interested in knowing whether the cult has
>fertility as well as healing aspects.
No official writeup is known. Some people think she does have fertility powers (cf ToTRM #16 which puts her cult in charge of grain distribution) but the only relevant information I can find (in CoP) is that she has unspecified earth magics, which are not necessarily crop-related.
>If not, what goddess is the general
>fertility/crop goddess for the Lunars? Hon-eel?
HonEel is specifically associated with Corn. For other crops, the Lunars use traditional deities. Corn is especially favoured for with the appropiate human sacrifices, it can outperform other crops for their yield. However such sacrifices do cause a bit of unease, even within the normally jaded Lunar circles (the Emperor has banned the practice - details in the Fortunate Succession p66).
> 2) Where did the Nights of Terror take place? Was it a single
>location, or more generalized Pentian experience?
The details are to be found in the 5th wane writeup in the Lunar Wane Chronicles which can be found at:
It was a titanic clash between the Lunars and the Pentan Horde and ended in catastrophe for both sides. To wit, the Red Emperor panicked as a result of magicians from Orathorn and cast a spell which combined with the Orathorni's own magics, created a magical disaster that destroyed nearly everybody on the battlefield (including the Red Emperor, HonEel, many Pentans etc).
The battle seems to have taken place near MolariSor City on the outreach of the Oraya Sultanate (cf KoS p240). I had the impression that the battle mentioned in Argrath's Saga between Argrath, Sheng Seleris and the Red Emperor was actually Argrath and Sheng Seleris visiting the Nights of Horrors via heroquest but Greg does not think so.
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