More Pentans

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 21:32:15 +1300

Terra Incognita:

>division of northern slope of spike
>stormtribe umath divided his land to his six children:
>kolat: mountainside?
>veidras: western sea coast?( malkioni&waertagi )
>urox: genert garden
>ragnaglar: fronela?
>humakt: southern pent?north wind
>orlanth: dragon pass&ralios

An interesting theory but it doesn't quite stack up mainly because there's no myth of such a division and the Storm Sons are found all over the place. Urox is also known to be worshipped by fronelan tribes while Humakt was found in Ralios and Fronela.

Some Stormsons were the strongest in some regions as Vadrus was in Fronela (the trollpak reference to Ragnaglar is sheer libel).

>IMG, before schism of gongarilli, horse pure nomads are in pent of golden
>genert garden.

If Pent was part of the Garden, then it would be blasted chaos waste when Genert died.

>dijigelm began to appear, and they crossed the arcos river before or
>after flood.

Only some of the Pentans occupied Peloria. Most of them have always lived in Pent as have their ancestors.

>IMO, kalikos was horse pentan god before hyalor riding horse.
>and their kin was lendarshi, that proof is, they revered same sun god

The Lendarshi did not appear in Peloria until after the Rinliddi bird armies had been destroyed during the Darkness. Then there's a single grey age migration of horse people throughout Peloria such as the Lendarshi, the Targos and the Jenarong. I should note that these horse riders are not pure Pentans as they had become intermixed with Zarkosite goat-herders before the destruction of the Rinliddi bird riders.

The Hyalorings are a seperate people from this.

>composite tribe of pelanda created civilization without horse army.

The Lendarshi did have a horse army until the horse riders were crushed by the Dara Happans in the Dawn Age (Mahzanelm's reign I'd think).

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