Re: Vormain and Empire

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 02:40:03 GMT

Peter Metcalfe:

> They have the completely opposite idea
> - to avoid people conquering Vormain and they view their
> rule over the Hinter Isles as an especially noble form of
> self-sacrifice since they can't go back.

> Apart from noting that Zaktirra isn't a wizard, I must confess
> to be somewhat lost by the colour magic schtick. Perhaps
> Alex the Vormain expert can explain the latest thinking, if
> he's feeling up to it (haha).


> But the Colour Gods are a recent
> phenomenon and before the Isolation, Vormain looked more normal.

Probably just 'differently weird'. The most recent Isolation is just part of what's either a cycle, or a gradudal escalation over time, peppered with brief relapses, depending on whom you believe. The rot started round about the end of Metsyla's reign, and rapidly went into a bit of a decline... Whenever Vormain pops up every few hundred (or thousand, or whatever) years it's naturally going to have changed somewhat, probably exacerbated by whatever remarkable circumstance it was that caused this momentary Blip in the isolation..., so chances are it's going to appear considerably different each time.

> There are no Malkioni in Vormain as the Isolation is simply too
> effective but there are Martalak sorcerers in Vormain.

There are?

> But when they landed, they were met by Valkaro and converted
> en masse, a miracle that nobody has been able to understand, and
> so the invasion ended in disaster.

There's probably a proverb about Vorumai invasions, with a similar moral to the one about 'pissups in brewery', and/or to the effect of extreme bad luck...


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