Hsunchen in Kralorela

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_bigfoot.com>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 11:57:47 +1300

Dave Cake:

>Hsunchen probably predate mysticism in Kralorela?

No. Vithelans have always lived in Kralorela/Land of Splendor since the very beginning. The Hsunchen came much later.

>The basic point being that a generous helping of hsunchen was
>stirred into the Kralori cultural stew long ago, and although many have
>attempted to strain it out since, you can still taste the flavour

This is a God Learner libel, sparked by their belief that Daruda, the one who returned from the Void with the secrets of the Cosmic Dragon, was once a Hsunchen. Even if their belief was true (and you can find some Kralori nodding their heads in assent), I do not believe Daruda's reign marked any significant hsunchen infusion into basic Kralori Culture.

What has happened is that during the reign of the God Learners and Sheng Seleris, many fringes of Kralorela became wild and inhabited by Hsunchen. When the Kralori were strong again, they simply conquered these hsunchen and forced them to convert to Kralori ways. So what people mistake for examples of Hsunchen elements in Kralori society are simply Kralorized Hsunchen still in the process of adapting to the new ways.

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