I was thinking more on the lines of the Martalak being an 'explanatory device' for _foreign_ sorcery, though as a means of dumping on local advocates it also makes good sense. In Vormain... who knows? ;-) (If I ever get round to a Vormain FAQ, it'd likely be so annoying as to make public burning fairly readily justifiable.)
An interesting question is that of 'sorcery', of one sort or another, in Kralorela. Greg has made mixed noises about this, but IIRC Sandy has long been a strong advocate that Kralori 'exploit sorcery up the wazoo', and I have somewhat mixed feelings, myself. I doubt there's anything especially like conventional Malkioni magic, but a materialist bent of some sort seems quite likely. If nothing else, there'll certainly be assorted 'alchemical' practices; "Having discerned the gross nature of the Cosmic Dragon, let us pummel it up in retorts and simmer vigorously at gas mark 6." Probably assorted practices more immediately 'sorcerous' in nature too, but this I'm less clear on.
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