Balazar's God

From: Mikael Raaterova <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 22:56:03 +0100

 From the Griffin Mountain stuff at the Glorantha Site:

>Balazar worshiped a deity named Tharkantus, all of whose worshipers
>apparently died during the Dragonkill.

>Since Balazar worshipped Yelmalio, his followers do also.

So what did he worship? And what do modern-day Balazarites worship (apart from Balazar of course)? Or should we suspect a typo or two?

Do modern Balazarites believe that Balazar has always been associated with Yelmalio or do they know of this mystery-figure Tharkantus? Is Tharkantus possibly a pre-Monrogh-revelation 'predecessor' or cognate to Yelmalio?
- --
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Mikael Raaterova [.sig omitted on legal advice]

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