Debouncing a Baby Broo

From: Tony Likhite <>
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 18:22:40 -0500 (EST)

Andrew E. Larsen:
> If someone is impregnated with a larval broo, is there anyway to cure
> this condition? My first reaction to this question was that Chalanan
> healers would probably be able to do it, but then I realized that it
> would probably kill the larva, which would violate their oath against
> killing. Any ideas on this? I'm toying around with the idea of having
> this happen to own of my players, so I need to have a solution to it
> worked out.

IIRC, I think Cure Chaos Wound undoes the trick. Too bad, though. Their kids are so cute... ;)

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