I need to devise a crew structure, and appeals to higher authorities have so far turned up no information. So, here's a rough and ready guess at such a structure, and I'd be delighted to receive any educated or MGF ideas to vary or expand it.
First, I recall reading that Moonboat crew are all R Goddess Initiates, then note that according to GoG all Red Goddess Initiates are Illuminated, and already Initiates in another Lunar Cult. This makes me suspect that just the main officers are Red Goddess Initiates.
Captain - Etyries Priest/ess - Duties: to oversee the motion and direction of the craft
First Officer - Etyries Priest/ess - Duties: to deputise for the Captain
Second Officer - Etyries Priest/ess or advanced Initiate - Duties: to
direct the crew
(possibly this person is the same as the security chief?)
Navigator - Etyries Priest/ess or advanced Initiate - Duties: to periodocally renew the enchantments that direct the craft
Assistant Navigator - advanced Initiate of Etyries - Duties: to stand in for the Navigator
Security Chief - Sword of Tarnils - Duties: to monitor internal behaviour
(crew and passengers) and watch for rare airborne attacks
Security Personnel - Swords (rarely) or advanced initiates of Tarnils
(these would be my choice of exceptions, and not necessarily also be Red
Goddess Initiates) - Duties: to die inevitably and horribly in rare
airborne attacks, and to supervise behaviour on board. They also collect
tickets, check luggage for contraband etc etc
Chief Petty Officer - Sage or advanced Initiate of Irripi Ontor - Duties: to oversee supplies, and any trade goods collected and stored aboard, as well as personal luggage not required on the journey
Petty Officers (2) - Initiates of Irripi Ontor (also not required to be Red Goddess Initiates?) - Duties: oversee loading and unloading, also to serve as hospitality personnel
Ship's Magician/Witch - Jakaleel Priestess - Duties: to oversee the magic onboard ship that attunes it to the wiles of the moonbeams
Assistant of the above
Ship's Doctor - Priest/ess of Deezola - Duties: to oversee the mental and physical well-being of passengers and crew
Assistant to the above
How about entertainers, the barman, cocktail waitresses? I'm coing over all 'Orient Express"!!!
Thanks in advance for any help with these ideas
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