Difference between EWF and Kralorela is Indivisualism, I think EWF is a hive
of many dragon immature babies, but Kralorela is only One Dragon in one
nation, Emperor of Hum Chan has only Dragon Soul, he never think like a way
of True Dragon. I think Godunya has human personality except dangerous time.
Darudaism style made people go to Summer Land after death, and taught them
to wait the time dissolving into One dragon Body, I think this is why
western dragonewts say they are heretics, for this style of
is abominable for them, but if once Dragon was formed, they must serve him
as one of their elder. This is why Dragonewt in Isle of Wonder abandoned
contact to ordinary Kralorelans. And they never have two Emperors in
So Kralorelan Empire acted as One True Dragon (other nations looks like
Monster) for their inhuman manner.
In War against other nations, Elite soldiers and Emperor himself can become
Dragon form, but IMO, these are cell Dragons in Monkey King sense. And their
ability is perhaps same as Dream Dragon in Western view, Godunya may be able
to become Temporary future Body with his Exarchs and Citizens support, and I
expect some stages between True dragon and Dream Dragon. (If this system
don't work, Kralorelan powerbalance to other nations is very unbalance.) and
an Emperor can expect support from Upper Stage true predecessor Emperors and
August Dragon, Blue dragon.
Immanent Mastery Dragonism illegally abused national Dragon power without
sacrificing their humanity for their mandane object, and IMO, they cannot
become true dragon without Help of Godlearner Magic. Godunya tolerance to
this school means pragmatism for mandane World.
In King of Sartar, Ingolf Saga described otherworld Dragon kingdoms. I
think these exist in Chaos as bubble status. Dragonpass Dragonewts served
them with not understandable lifestyle, they are not their master. So even
Inhuman King has limited power over Surface World, and struggled other race
Deities. I think Cosmic Compromise not working over Dragon Races for their
End of The Glorantha Digest V7 #344