HW etc

From: David Cake <dave_at_starfish.net.au>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 02:54:13 +0800

>I remember an interesting discussion we had about why are there no +1 swords
>in Glorantha - or rather, RQ-Glorantha. The reason there aren't any in RQ
>is, I suppose, because the rules didn't support it or encourage it. The
>reason there aren't any in 'Glorantha' is that magical swords would never be
>that banal.

        There are, aren't there? That certainly was what Swords of Sharpness seemed like to me (effectively a permanent Bladesharp 1), and they are documented Gloranthan artifacts. Not even that banal, for that matter - the procedure for making one was simple and repeatable, but added some interest to a game (I believe Fireblade, then sacrifice a point of POW, then kill an opponent with a single blow, lose the point if your opponent survives).

>Hero Wars presents presents a new opportunity to get the system more tailor
>made to the world.

        Oddly enough, as far as general mechanics for character interaction and combat go, its very freeform and non-genre specific (give or take a couple of minor bits here and there). Its only the magic rules that are specifically tailor made for Glorantha. Much the same as the Basic Roleplaying based system that proceeded it - most of it was the same for various genres except for details but the magic system got rewritten for every game.



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