Dear John, you rock. In your own anthrowanky way, of course.
>From what I've seen, HW will be nothing but a mine for Glorantha
>information. No way to play grubby Ducks scrabbling for klacks alongside
>grubbier Trollkin scrabbling for bolgs.
Dear Bryan, stop now. You ain't seen nothing.
>Guess what--they always invariably
>fall quite flat at the Jimmy Olsen level. Keeping the numbers sane at
>the Darkseid level means that the Jimmy Olsen level has a preposterously
>coarse granularity.
Whereas the HW solution is to sidestep this somewhat by a very free form abilities system. Your grubby trollkin could have an enormously high, nay, heroic level in 'whiningly beg for mercy', and it still doesn't make him Darkseid. PLus, of course, HW is just a bit cleverer than all the previous systems.
>Likewise, I like having lots of fine detail in
>skills and lots of fine detail in combat (which goes along with lots of
>fine detail in skills).
Use the rules creatively, and you can have it. Define what various bet sizes mean to you, make lots of use of augmentation, bonuses, edges and flaws, . Use the rules uncreatively, and fine detail just bogs you down in any system.
> I'm not interested in Xena the roleplaying game.
I'm warning you, you are on dangerous ground now, you are talking about the woman I love.
Cheers David ------------------------------
End of The Glorantha Digest V7 #368
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