
From: Ilav Topix <>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 10:22:19 GMT

I, as a non-japanese, always figured the Shogun as a sort of First-Minister, Vizir, Richelieu, Grey Eminence.
I think that Bellex Maximus could play this role, as Terra said, but even (in Nick Brooke's vision) the Provincial Overseer could. I think that the problem of finding counterparts between western history, japanese customs and Glorantha (which is based on western biases ideas), relies much on the idea of oligarchy.

Since the ancient Greece, western potentates were ruled by Kings aided in much cases by councils of experts, and in some cases (as the above I reported) the most expert had more power than the King. I suppose (but I don't really know) that in Nipponic Tradition this is unconceivable (sp?). Not many men with powers, but a rigid hierarchy with one-way chain of command: the generals/ministers report to the shogun who reports to the Emperor. In no way a general could report directly to the Emperor, unless the Shogun is dead: this fact would be equivalent to a full-size rebellion (and to a quite heretic act). Western history (and actual ways of thinking, I daresay) is full of these exemples: chains of command, hiearchies, powers are divided among many men and institutions. This ensures more disorder but much more flexibility...

I am sorry if my excursus displeased you.


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