Its mechanic is obviously deliberately the same as spirit combat, except for certain differences. So we don't try to replicate the RQ3 game mechanics directly, we try to replicate the intent of the RQ3 mechanics - which is that we treat it as we would a spirit combat, except where it is different.
After all, while you don't hang to much on the RQ3 mechanics, take it away and what do we have - two words. I'd rather hang stuff on the mechanics than the name.
FWIW I think Subere, most of whose magic revolves around summoning and controlling darkness creatures, is probably animist in HW. The Attack Soul probably becomes a special shamanic ability to attack at a distance.
I'd also add again that mysticism is more complex than it might first appear, and actually has a fairly specific meaning in Glorantha. I think Subere probably has a mystic Secret, but its not a mystic cult by any means.
Cheers David ------------------------------
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