> Stygian Heresy
> Tales of The reaching Moon #13 categorize this word as Joint worship between
> monotheism and polytheism using both sorcery & theistic magic society, but
> later this word became only application to Arkati Stygian Imperial
> Influence. so it excludes middle Age Talorism, Syanoran, Carmanian, and
> western Lunars.
I believe that "Stygian heresy" and "henotheism" are synonyms -- they mean essentially the same thing. They do have different distinctions - -- the Stygian heresy frequently is used to refer to a form of henotheism that involves darkness deities -- but I think it's possible to use one or the other.
David Dunham <mailto:dunham_at_pensee.com> Glorantha/RQ page: <http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein
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