World Spanning Hero Wars Campaingns

From: rmeints <>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 08:35:29 +0100

Hello all,

I'll be updating my website this weekend.

Michael Cule asks about a world spanning campaign mentioned in Heroes V1.5 and whether something like it will be a part of Hero Wars.

For the record, the campaign that Bruce referred to was run by none other than Sandy Petersen for many many years. You can purchase the 200+ page very detailed campaign log at the occasional auction. We usually get one to auction at Convulsion as part of our fundraiser. Regardless, such a campaign could easily be run using Hero Wars. While some of the campaign was very high level with prophesies of Doom and such (for more info read "Mr. Man Speaks" from one of the Convulsion program books) much of it was combat oriented and involved lower level starting characters. That isn't a problem, but it does mean that the campaign wasn't just populated with epic battles and ultra powerful runelord-priests.

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