'newts and Newtlings.

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_bigfoot.com>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 22:09:55 +1200

Gian Gero:

>What's the relationship (all over Glorantha) between Dragonewts and
>Newtlings? From some books I inferred they are related or at least used to
>work together as combined races. Also the superior stages of newtling
>evolution could possibly be related (as dinosaurs and magisaurs are) with
>proto-dragonewt beings...

Dragonewts do keep newtlings as slaves (Elder Secrets) and Newtlings are thought to be related to dragonewts (RQ2).

My personal belief is that newtlings are descendants of dragons that arose through a process of draconic devolution. This process also created the Slarges, the Lascerdans, Phoenixes etc. etc.

Whether newts are degenerate dragonewts (which the dragonewts probably claim) or dragonewts are 'newts that rediscovered draconism (as the Kralori might claim) is really a chicken-and- egg debate. The truth might be different for different species of 'newts.

>Is the population of 'newts cities augmented by blocks inhabited by


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