Carmanian tactics

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 23:30:06 +1200

Martin Laurie:

[on Carmanian tactics]

>Crossbows are popular for this but the most popular form of mercenary
>for this kind of work was the Rathori longbowman, who often get
>recruited in large numbers for wars against the nomads.

I do not believe the Rathori would fight in such a manner as they fight as hit-and-run skirmishers rather than Agincourt archers. Secondly the Rathori have bad memories of Carmanian brutality that precipitated the White Bear wars (and many veterans of those wars are still alive thanks to the Ban).

>(5). Heavy knights. During the campaigns of the Nadar the Avenger,
>the Carmanians were exposed to the developed Fronelan knight and
>re-integrated some of the tactics that were being learnt in the West.

It depends on what you mean by 'heavy'. The modern Loskalmi knight is a very recent development again as a result of the Ban.

>It was during this time that the Carmanian use of combined arms,
>infantry, cavalry and light forces, gave them ten years of
>campaign victories in Fronela. No-one could stand against them.

I think domestic troubles within the Loskalmi Empire had much more to do with the Carmanian success than combined arms innovations. And we only have the Carmanians' word that they were unbeatable.

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