Malkioni Land Stellar revision from Orlanthi

Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 03:57:44 +0900

Some of stellars are replaced by other names: FREX RW Chariot of David (Ursa Minor) constellation was cause of Jewism.

IMO, useful source of malkioni Planisphere  is Talor, Gerlant, Dormal, Snodal, "Hunter" etc are most proper Appropriation for Newbie Malkioni Sky Night Dome: and they may offer some residence to Malkioni Saints:

from Hero Wars Document
>The Malkioni understand these Worlds as being increasingly abstracted
worlds in >which all difference and individuality is gradually erased until one arrives in the Joy of >the Invisible God.
>Solace is the Afterlife of the Malkioni who believe in the Invisible God.
It is unique in >that souls which go there can not be reached by anyone, either necromancers or holy >men. The promises of Malkion the Prophet claim this is the Solace which they claim >through their loyal veneration of their God. Even Saints, who are venerated almost to >the point of worship, can not be reached directly after their deaths. Instead their >commands and teachings provide magic for their followers, In many places relics of >the saints provide even more power for their worshippers, and provide impetus to a >thriving market of fake relics.

Relic is dead Saint's remnants or memments: Focci for Symbolism. What is loyal veneration?
Ritual? , Fanaticism?, Intellectual Debate?, Mystical Meditation?, HeroQuest for Salvation as Materialistic Opinion? Maytyr?

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