Re: Definition of Undead

From: Weihe, David <>
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 16:53:13 -0400

> From: Andrew Barton <>
> My players have run into a species of spirit called a
> Bonedancer, which has the ability to animate skeletons.
> Should Humakti spells that affect undead work on these?
> The Bonedancer has not died, and has no connection with the
> spirit that originally inhabited the body.

Does the Bonedancer animate the skeletons by telekenesis on each bone, does it inhabit the skeleton while moving it, or does it command another spirit or a piece of its own to do that?

If the first, Humakti spells that affect the Undead may not work, although I wouldn't bet my existance on it if I were the Bonedancer. If the second, there is, at best, a slight chance that they would not work. The last method of animation is no different in essence than the usual Create Skeleton spell, and so Humakti spells against these animated skeletons would certainly function at full strength.

In any case, spells that affect the Humakti themselves, like a Face Undead spell (feat, prayer, YtermsMV) or pluses on their weapons against Undead, should operate at full strength.

> Does it make a difference if you're in Hell?

Certainly, if you are in a section of Hell that is before (in Quasi-Time terms) the discovery of Death. In that case, Humakti would lose the ability to use their Undead magics, but they also cannot run into any to use them against. Likewise Vivamort Heroquesters to these regions of the GodPlane would be unable to use more than their Darkness powers, and could not rip power from their enemies.

Running in the HeroPlane version of Hell, or the GodPlane sections that are quasi-after the discovery of Death should be much like normal, however (as much like normal as Hell ever is, that is).

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