Malkioni pilgrimages

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2000 19:42:21 +1200

Gian Gero:

>To the GD audience: where/when in Glorantha can we find something similar to
>an Opus Dei or Jesuit Ordinis or Inquisition Tribunal or Controriforma

Tanisor without a doubt. Theoblanc is a thinly disguised pope, the Rokari have an Inquisition and there's even a Scriptorium of Forbidden Books.

>Where/when do pilgrimages, of the Western (Loskalmi or Seshnegi)
>kind do take place?

Sog City to where Hrestol was martyred.

Arkhome to the Old Capital of the Dark Empire (Stygians only).

Rokar was martyred somewhere in Tanisor but I don't know where. Leplain perhaps.

Malkonwal is a fading land where Malkion once lived and is as far as I can tell, due south of Mount Nida and off the Genertelan coast, which places it south of Pithdaros.

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