<< >There is no cult of Oria or Dayzatar for example.
Why on earth not?
I thought the whole point of Hero Wars was that it allowed us to play a wider range of social interactions than just killing things, but here we have two of the key cults of Dara Happa being excluded >>
I don't think Dayzatar is one of the key cults of Dara Happa, to be fair - - Buserian is far more important. Dayzatar is mythologically important, but his cult is insignificant. The omission of Oria seems far stranger though, since hers is apparently the largest single cult in the Lunar Empire, in terms of number of worshippers. I wouldn't expect loads of female peasant deities, but I'd have thought there'd be one just as an example, and Oria seems (to me) the obvious one to pick. But perhaps one of the others was deemed more suitable?
<<(is Buserian?,>>
IIRC, Martin already confirmed the presence of that one.
<< or Ernalda? >>
Will be in Thunder Rebels anyway, and so probably won't be in SGU as well if they're short of space (but I could be wrong). I wouldn't miss her in a book about Lunars, anyway.
<<but they both make it into the HW book presumably on the grounds even that
if you don't have PC's belonging to them you're going to encounter important
NPCs who do).>>
I'd agree that its important to include key NPC cults, if at all possible. OTOH, I wouldn't agree that Buserian *is* an NPC cult ;-)
<< And as for there not being enough space - we're not talking RQ3 or RQ2
write-ups with a dozen deities to a book here - they only need one paragraph
The write-ups in HW are short-form, like those in Gods of Glorantha, SGU will (I presume) include the full length write ups, which are a good deal bigger.
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