>Gunda's mum was probably a Yggite,
Which would be strange considering that Gunda was famous for killing a boatload of Wolf Pirates at the age of twelve.
>and thus Orlanthi but not Heortling.
Yggites are no more Orlanthi than Praxians or Merfolk, both worshipping gods with a traceable genealogical link to Orlanth.
>The Rokari wouldn't [have female knights], IMO, being sexist
>buggers from our 21C viewpoint.
FWIW Greg's model for the Rokari (medieval papistry) did produce Joan of Arc, so I don't see why the Rokari should not have female knights.
>I'm all for making [female knights in Loskalm] as common as Vingans in
>Sartar, but that may not be compatible with existing Loskalm info.
There's no existing Loskalm info that forbids this.
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