Re: Dead in Hell

From: Meirion Hopkins <>
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 11:12:39 +0100

> Benedict Adamson
> Since anything in Hell is already 'dead', at least to some degree,
> surely one can not be killed in Hell?

But then there's dead (only visiting) and DEAD (resident on a permanent basis). If you are of the former status and someone 'kills you' then you transfer to the latter. You would then require resurrection to exit hell.

> I suppose one could become
> 'lost', but that would seem mythically inappropriate for Lunars: a
> Penitent should always have the chance to be resurrected cleansed of
> sin. Perhaps those who do not 'pass' the keel-hauling test are deemed
> unworthy and must continue to row?

It was just the image that sprang into my mind when I read your posting. The ToTRM 16 Danfive Xaron write-up mentiones that the Black Sea Fleet is crewed by those beyond hope for redemption so this could be the test for beyond redemption. If even The Styx cannot wash them clean then they are truly beyond redemption.

> Or is there a Danfive Xaron Black
> Navy Search and Rescue lifeboat squadron?

They would have to be very careful - otherwise half way through a rescue they might forget what they were there for! (or maybe they are members deliberately: a sort of Lunar Foreign Legion ...) :-)


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