Most Hated

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 22:31:03 +0000

I said:
>>According to Peter, they hate each others' guts:

> This is solely Joerg's invention owning to his inability to
> conceive of a second-class social group other than medieval
> jewry, even after I had mentioned other parallels numerous
> times.

I can conceive various other parallels, but none of Peter's came close to fit anything but his point of view, which clearly is not very similar to mine.

What I have difficulties to conceive a productive discussion with Peter on the digest, so I won't try any more.

> My opinion is their political influence was heavily
> circumscribed as punishment for their historical wrongdoings.

Peter used the term "most hated" to describe Heortling attitude towards the Aeolians.

These historical wrongdoings appear to be Peter's hobby horse. In Heortland, he has used "most hated" for the Aeolians, for the alliance with God Learners he postulated for them. In Kralorela, the Path of Immanent Mastery earned Peter's predicate "most hated", for the same crime. Peter responded to that wave of argumentation with the same "unmoveable object" strategy which smothered discussion or development he typically uses when disagreeing with me.

I wonder whether we will get a "most hated" group everywhere the God Learners ever appeared.



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