: Be a bit less literal in your symbolism -- Sartar's original marriage
: is not only the union of two warring people, the joining together of
: civilization and nomads, or the blessing of sovereignty on a king
: (*not* becoming protector of the lands IMO). It's also an alliance
: between two different elements (just as Orlanth married Ernalda and
: became king of the gods). If Kallyr married the Luminous Stallion
: King, it's a marriage between Air and Fire, certainly a New Thing and
: worthy of a Queen of Dragon Pass.
And indeed this happened in my original game of KoDP. I got Kallyr to be
our warleader at 14, and chief at 15. Then we selected her to lead the
tribe when she was 16. (Bit of a girl-queen story, straight from
She ruled with a strong yet wise hand for 25 years, and then married the
grazer king. Becoming Queen of Dragon Pass. Not bad for an Elmalian clan
I think I think... Therefore I think I am.