(and will Martin ~please~ learn to indent quoted excerpts properly?!?)
>> I'm not sure why you consider it "infamous":
> Because at the Chicago con some comments were made by RM folk that it > was plain wrong. However, I heard this second hand from someone at the > seminar so there may be biases there. Dunno. It does seem contraversial > to some. Consider the mention of the RE as being followed by a tiny cult > of bureacrats. Somewhat contradicts the Tales 16 write up which has a > monolothic Emperor cult instead.
Transcript from Glorontha-Con IV book, reference is perhaps to the Lunar Cultural Exchange (Chairmen Brooke & Gidlow), p.78f:
: NB: Unfortunately, this has been the line that Greg, as a result of
: sticking his head into a Dara Happan bucket for several years, has
: come up *believing* it. He started thinking that maybe the Lunar
: Empire *is* just another phase of the Dara Happan Empire. It's
: scary, but let me tell you that one of the things Eric handed me
: today was a document that Greg wrote called "Gods and Goddesses of
: the Lunar Empire". And it's great, you pick this up and think, wow!
: I'm going to learn all about Danfive Xaron, and the Red Emperor, and
: actually, it is exactly what it says it is. This book is about gods
: and goddesses who happen to be worshipped inside of the Lunar Empire.
: So it's about the Stork Goddess of the Darjiin Marshes. Let's look up
: Danfive Xaron, oh dear! he's not in here. (Laughter). Irrippi Ontor,
: oh bugger me! No Irrippi Ontor! "Gods and Goddesses of the Lunar
: Empire" doesn't include them!
: CG: They are un-gods.
... later ...
: NB: What I find regrettable about these things is the 'blind eye'
: turned to the fact that there is anything changed. The fact that you
: can read Greg's stuff about the Lunar Empire nowadays, and it looks
: like it's old Dara Happa. And you read "Gods and Goddesses of the
: Lunar Empire" and it leaves out the Seven Mothers. I don't mean the
: Seven Mothers cult out on the frontier. I mean *the* Seven Mothers
: aren't in that book. I just think that you're missing something.
I'd stick by all of that today, and (of course) by the intervening, preceding and following bits that I haven't reproduced here.
We were offered the article in question for Tales #16, but I understand David Hall asked Greg to finish it first. As readers of Enclosure are aware, he never quite got round to it.
Glorontha-Con IV was the Chicago Con where Greg had a nasty cold and couldn't make it. This was, of course, the Con the Megacorp turned up to in force, armed with the latest "Life of Moonson" materials to discuss with Greg. Who wasn't there. And "Life of Moonson" debuted at Glorantha-Con V in Victoria, BC.
Let's blame Greg's bug for everything that's been buggered since, eh?
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