Re: James's questions

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 16:09:57 +0100 (BST)

> James Frusetta:

> >And the other question: can the RE use a *non*-human to comprise his
> >mortal body?

Peter Metcalfe
> He could. But I think in Pelorian Philosophy, nonhumans/
> monsters are a type of incomplete (i.e. a troll would be
> a being dominated by its shadow part). When the Emperor
> is reincarnated, he becomes complete and so non-humanity
> would vanish...

I think I agree with this, largely at least: you'd get so much not a human, as such, as a 'healed troll' (if that were the dominant physical 'bit'). Whatever that is, exactly...

This might also come under the heading of 'possible future Masks that might require (yet more) "subtle redefining" of the Empire's understand of what it means to _be_ Moonson'.


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