> For me or Greg or anyone to be going against GAG as you call it, surely there
> has to be something there in print to be GA in the first place?
Come on Martin, over 100 of the core Glorantha fans have been in Life of Moonson by now. Whether they generally accept this as representing Glorantha or not, it's unreasonable to expect this performance art to be written down.
James Frusetta
> Just imagine, the loathesome tendrils of the forests creeping beneath
> your stead, infiltrating, worming their way in, for *years* until
> <WHAM!> You wake up and there's a bunch of elves with bows pointed at
> your head, herding you off to the camps. Seedling trees rise up out of
> your field. Your children are to be raised by the New Order, your local
> rulers are "accidentally lost" in the forest. The horror! The horror!
So when we do King of Dragon Pass: The Movie, you'll get the role of AntiAldryami. To quote the game:
[antiAldryami] "The elves will watch us fight off the threat of Chaos, then sweep down on us when we are weak.", 34
David Dunham <mailto:dunham_at_pensee.com> Glorantha/RQ page: <http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein
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