No, I think I got your point, but mine is that Martin (nor Wes, nor myself, nor anyone else involved in writing right now) is *not* an official representitive of Issaries. Greg is currently the only one of whom that can be said. No matter *what* Martin (or I, et al.) says, it is his opinion and interpretation. Yes, he's got an inside track, but it still isn't Greg talking. Greg has not complained about the volume (that I recall, and it's still early for me today, so he *may* have).
Meandering thoughts:
Greg and Issaries are finally coming out from under a s**tload of trouble -
the AH deal, the Mythos debacle, personal trouble. Should he have published
more? I think we all would say "yes". *Could* he have published more, not
really. That we are finally seeing an "official" Gloranthan product that
isn't deep background material is a testament to both Greg (for
persevereing) and the fans (for writing).
The current flap reminds me of the fights between [choose one: Emperor and Senate, King and Parliement, President and Congress]. For many years the fans have been stronger than Greg. Greg is now trying to rebalance that relationship and is facing resistance from the fans, who have their entrenched opinions. *BUT* - without both Greg *and* the fans, Glorantha would be simply a happy memory and the occasional question in Rec.Games.FRP. Misc ("Whatever happened to Glorantha? Man, that was a neat world, too bad it died").
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