Alex on Prax

From: Karin Goihl & Daniel Fahey <>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 22:06:04 +0200

>...Prax is pretty well-covered in the 'basic' areas... But if HW Went
>On Its Ass, then basically what it'd be doing is republishing copious
>wads of material that already exists (though HWised, obviously).

Yes, something to be avoided, that republishing. Trollpak 10 anyone?

>...tie up a whole 'wave' of books on rehashing old material that's seen
>print several times before, in many cases, on an area that can be
>charitably described as The Armpit of Genertela?

I sure don't want even more reprints. I'm thinking of new material. But maybe you've got something wrong with the armpit comment, or maybe the bunch of us who keep writing about doing something with Prax are all idiots.

>...but my amazement at the apparent clamour for Prax material...

Many people on this list write several times a day about something in Glorantha. Maybe they all like Glorantha and are interested in it. Other people are amazed that anyone could be so interested in worlds which don't exist. Same thing. You simply don't have much interest in Prax and so don't understand others who do. Other people may be amazed at your interest in the Gloranhtan sky, because they don't understand such interest.

>Are we really not just a bunch of sad old grognards here, that are keenest
>to read books of things they know already? There's a whole wide lozenge
>out there, why be content simply to wear the deepest, smallest ruts of it a
>few more wheeltracks' deep?

Like I said, I don't want just more reprints. I hope the collective efforts of Prax fans don't result in only that.
But why be content with only one fantasy world when there are so many? Maybe because many people like Glorantha. Why not be content with what you like? Others only read Tolkien, or any of the other fantasy works. Others limit themselves to only Fantasy or only Science Fiction. There are parts of Glorantha which I'm not interested in. You are not much interested in Prax. You don't have to be involved in it then, but those who are interested can d o something with it. You go ahead and wear ruts in the parts of Glorantha you want to, and we'll do so where we want to.


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