Re: Humakti

From: Wesley Quadros <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2000 13:50:48 -0700

The Glorantha Digest wrote:

> Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 12:36:29 -0400 (EDT)
> From:
> Subject: Honorable Humakti
> The now-extinct oldstyle Humakti of Carmania were stone-cold killers.
> The Humakti of the Holy Country weren't quite stone-cold, but they were
> pretty chilly. It's mostly the Orlanthi among whom Humakt and the Humakti
> developed their "human" (honorable) face. Duke Yanafil was not familiar
> with the Orlanthi Humakt, so he had more understandable grounds for
> abandoning his Humakt, who was far more relentless, merciless, and
> monomaniacal.

Who says they are extinct? They are frowned upon by the current Padishah (the Emperor) but they still exist.

You are correct with the relentless, merciliss and monomaniacal. They worship a god of Death and Killing. They are swords in the hand of Light, killing for Holy Idovanus. They seek the Lie and all of its manifestations and slay it out of hand. In the old Carmanian Empire, and in conservative houses to this day, they are executioners and elite foot-borne knights with massive great-swords.

IMO, they would not understand an Orlanthi Humakti and may even consider them heretics or even servants of Ganesatarus, the Lie (and after lots of sparks and clanging sounds - -..There Can Be Only One!)

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