Several issues

From: Sérgio Mascarenhas <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 16:43:21 +0100

Nick Brooke:
>Though that Duck on p.240... I'm not a duck-lover, but even I wouldn't
>have wished *that* on the poor buggers!

??? I'm a duck lover, and I like that duck! Much better then the Disneyesque ducks of RQ.

>In the HW rules book you get almost FIFTY magical keywords. That's nearly
>as many short-form cults as we got in "Gods of Glorantha". And this is only
>the core rulebook!
>Let's compare that with other Gloranthan rulebooks: RQ2 had three
>Gloranthan cults in the core rules. RQ3 had one Gloranthan cult, and a
>of generic shortforms. Hero Wars has as many shortforms as you'd expect in
>a dedicated Gods supplement: over three times as many as we got in Cults of

Well, your making a confusion between quantity and quality. Yes, you have more cults, but these are have much less detail. In fact, I think that there are too many cults in HW.

Somehow, people writing games for Glorantha seem not to be able to get the right balance between the extensiveness and the intensiveness of the coverage of the cultures in the basic books.

Sergio Mascarenhas

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