<< >'the beloved Pharaoh, Belintar of the Harshax'.
>What? I mean what-the-fuck? Is this the first time
>we've seen this? I
>don't recall seeing this before
I flicked through the book, spotted this and had the same shock myself. Could this also mean that the Pharoah is not dead or he had an heir?. I thought it interesting that in King Of Sartar all the Kings (in the Zin list) reigned for seven years (then topped) clearly making them Earth Worshipping Esrolian types.
Does this mean that Argrath had no heirs himself or is he also related to the Pharoah?
For anyone who hasn't spotted it, there is also mention of Harshax in one of the Troll box sets. I think it was Minaryth Purple making a report to him or something. >>
Also, the "Boldhome Documents" in "The Rough Guide to Boldhome" are listed as being presented to "Lord Minaryth Blue Llama, Lord of Harshax and the Unboni." However official this may be is uncertain.
David A. Blizzard
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