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From: Xavier Spinat <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 00:15:30 +0200

Well, as usual, the Tentacles convention was a great success. Thanxalot to the german organizers and to all the guests (those of honour, of course, but the others).

Once again I come back full of pride (for being part of such a great community of talentuous fans) and ambition (i.e. planning to write and translate so much material).
What is clear is that HW is a good opportunity to bring Glorantha back to life, at least in France... (did I mention the <> ML?) Can I imagine a french Gloranthan convention? well, who knows? Maybe HW was just what the old fans needed to feel free to create new material, organize themselves and make their gaming more than a five person activity...

But enough good intentions, let's talk "seriously". :)

The French edition of HW (and the French Glorantha book) should be ready by the end of the month. Buying both gives you a free color map (for the 1000 first buyers).
The books will be hard-cover. The french HW will be only one book containing the US HW and most of the Narrator's book (a much shorter "french" episod replaces Rising Dark)
The prizes are 190FF (around 28 euros) for HW and 180FF (around 27 euros) for Glorantha.
What is new is that some issues of the map should be available on their own and not only as a "bonus" item. It should cost around 11 euros, I think. I hope the french distributor of Multisim will manage to make those three items available in Europe.

The question of german edition of HW by Multisim will shortly be studied carefully before long... (well, not before the release of the french edition, at least).

XS aka "XSively unlucky in the german trains"

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