> Will someone please calm this berserk pedantry? Save the library from this
> erudite obliquity.
Who let this ignorant Pentan into the reading room ?? Guard ! GUARD !!
Henrix :
> No, no, don't get me wrong. It _is_ excellent as an epiteph for somebody who
> throws lightning around.
> It was also used, by the Romans, for somebody who took the auspices from
> watching lightning.
> If really you want to have different words for different occasions, try
> Fulminator, as in Jupiter Fulminator.
> "I interprete the lightning" would be fulgurato, and so, perhaps, fulguration.
> If you don't like it, don't use it.
Well, sounds cool to me ; except that's *so* ambiguous and confusing, isn't it ?!
Do you think, since Shargash is the Fulgurator, that a player might abuse the HW game system, and have just one Feat for *both* Divination *and* Combat ?
Is this OK in the HW rules ?
Probably, your Fulmination suggestion is the best ...
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