> Yeah. Isn't it great when we destroy what little intuition we already
> have about the West. Similarly, let's make lots of other jarringly
> inappropriate inclusions into other cultures. Doraddi saunas and
> Kralori jousting, anyone?
You mean what little intuition we have about the medieval europeans? The Westerners are not medieval Europeans, any more than Heortlings are (British) Celts. That would be boring.
Gloranthan cultures are inspired by real world counterparts, but are not, and
should not (in my opinion, of course) be, Medieval Europeans, British Celts or
16th c. Japanese transplanted to Glorantha with a veneer of new myths and
religious practices.
Let us keep Glorantha unique.
The myths of Glorantha are astoundingly good because they use elements we know (the Sun deity has a Bow and a Harp, for instance), but are not just rippoffs from earth myths.
Should we not try to do the same when we describe the cultures of Glorantha?
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