Re: Ideographs vs. Latin?

From: David Cake <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 08:26:19 +0800

>David Cake on "Brithini Latin":
> > Which I still say would be a common language used across
>> cultures, rather than the one script for multiple languages that we
> > are told is the case.
>No it ain't.

<panto crowd style> OH, YES IT IS</crowd>

>The point is that for several centuries, the only
>'written form' of Italian, French, etc, _was_ Latin.

        Which means that Italian, French, etc did not have a written form. Fair enough, many languages didn't. Their Gloranthan analogues, however, do, and its shared.

> > Besides, I like the idea of throwing the Chinese analogue
>> script into the Western world rather than the more predictable Latin
>> analogue.
>Yeah. Isn't it great when we destroy what little intuition we already
>have about the West.

        We just make the intuitions we have more interesting by developing their culture a little more - the West should more than just a transplanted medieval Europe. It actually makes it more intuitive, to me, because it makes the Rune obsession (and, for that matter, the sheer obsession with the written word of HW sorcery) more understandable.

>Similarly, let's make lots of other jarringly
>inappropriate inclusions into other cultures. Doraddi saunas and
>Kralori jousting, anyone?

        Ooh, like a medieval society based on social mobility, or a rigid immortal society of atheists with a caste system including a noncombatant ruling class? You are right, wouldn't want to pollute the West with anything culturally inappropriate for medieval Europe.



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