Anyone else find the notion of the Dark Eater bringing Winter (the fertile season) to Prax disjointed? And remember that passage in Cults of Prax where the followers of Darkness tried to disrupt the Earth/Fertility rites? You'd think that in Prax, since Winter brings more food, that the Earth cultists and the Darkness cultists would be best buddies. But they're not. So Dark Eater brings the fertile season to Prax every year, but then tries to trounce the major fertility rites out of spite. Maybe back home the other Darkness Gods of War tease him about it.
Or perhaps Praxians regard fertility in such aspects as birth or feeding as a form of violence.
Just musing. I never got good grades in mythology anyway. Somebody feel free to enlighten me with the Cliff Notes on the "Dark Eater Comes to Prax" story.
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