Re: Transhumance

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 12:35:46 -0700

John Hughes

> >Transhumance is probably practiced to keep cattle off
> >arable land during the growing season.
>Definitional alarm here. Several contributors (including myself) have been
>using transhumance to denote the movement of cattle over *relatively long
>distances* to take advantage of seasonal and ecological variation. Ian seems
>to be using it in the sense of local rotation within the tula.

There's nothing in the dictionary definition about distance:

Transfer of livestock from one grazing ground to another, as from lowlands to highlands, with the changing of seasons.

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[French from transhumer, to move livestock seasonally, from Spanish trashumar: Latin trns-, trans- + Latin humus, ground; see dhghem- in Indo-European Roots.]

The longer the distance, the closer you get to pastoral nomadism (I believe there are groups which move vast distances between pastures twice a year; they're considered nomadic, not transhumant).

David Dunham <> Glorantha/HW/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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