Math and Transcendence

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 14:44:18 +1300

Andrew Barton:

>Me> Just because Zzaburism is capable of
> >realizing transcendent concepts (be it the RW equivalents of
> >discovering the irrationality of two, Cantor's transfinite
> >numbers, Russell's paradox or Godel's paradox)

>What's transcendent about any of those? They're intellectually
>difficult to handle, but all routine for a sufficiently trained

Which is my point. On the back page of Enclosure #1, Greg treats the discovery of zero as leading to similar insights among the Loskalmi.

>My understanding of transcendence is that it's the sort of
>awareness which can only be appproached through
>altered states of consciousness, for example through
>Zen meditation.

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