Farming Heros

From: Donald R. Oddy <>
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 23:38:27 GMT


>The point being that Dara Happan peasants (Pelorian peasants, more exactly)
>don't stop being peasants until they are dead. Orlanthi peasants, OTOH, often
>stop being peasants and become Heroes, fighting Dara Happan Soldiers.

I reckon you've just upset a lot of Orlanthi, they're free farmers not peasants. Peasants are tied to the land they farm and subject to their overlords.

I would dispute the "often" regarding Orlanthi farmers becoming Heroes, the fighting Hero is the exceptional fighter, the 1 in 100 or 1 in a 1000 who makes a difference and can count on the support of the 99 or 999 others. We accept an heroic lawspeaker as a poor fighter and leader, what's the difficulty with accepting an heroic farmer has the same limitations?

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