
From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 11:53:46 +1300

Joerg Baumgartner:

> > I thought the Aramites were descended from Heortlings rather
> > than Wenelians? They don't worship the Storm Boar but rather
> > Gouger the God Pig, the founder Aram-Ya-udram and a Darkness
> > Demon.

>The information on Dawn Age humans I have seen shows them as

I said they were descended from Heortlings, not that they were Heortlings.

>They worshipped the God Pig as son of the earth mother. Now Orlanth can
>be worshipped as son of the earth mother, or at least mountain mother
>who conveys earth sovereignty.

But the God Pig does not convey Storm Powers whereas the Wenelian Orlanth does.

>How many hunter gatherer cultures
>worshipping swine, an earth mother who manifests as swine, and a
>nobility which rides on tuskers would you expect in a comparatively
>small area?

The Arimites are not Hunter-gatherers but rather Pastoralists and their pigs (Sus paracaraballus) are significantly different from those of the Wenelians (Sus scrofa) or the Mraloti (Sus Mraloti). The Wenelians practice agriculture as well as pig-farming.

The Aramites worship no Earth Mother but Gouger, Aram-ya-Udram and the unnamed Darkness Demon. The Wenelians worship Ernalda and Entra who is unknown to the Aramites.

All Aramites ride upon tuskers, not just the nobility. I have never heard of Wenelian pig-riders before.

Lastly there is the time difference: The Aramites were founded in the Silver Age (Aram-Ya-Udram is a Hero of that Age) while the Wenelians were known in Vingkotling times.

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